Neo EBR - Solution for batch electronic record control.

Track all elements associated with a manufacturing process.

With NEO EBR, you can overcome industry challenges safely and efficiently. Our manufacturing process tracking solution enables you to follow all the elements associated with a process, from start to finish.

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Increase productivity and improve the quality of your production.

Today's manufacturers are increasingly relying on EBR (Electronic Batch Records) to ensure compliance and accuracy of production processes. With EBR, all production batch data can be compiled and tracked, which increases the efficiency of the operation and minimizes human error in drug manufacturing. By taking this approach, you can have the peace of mind of knowing that your production is being carried out safely and efficiently.

Review and Release

If you are tired of dealing with the challenges of storing data on paper, NEO EBR is the solution for you. With our system you can easily find, link, and track your documents, and use electronic signatures to comply with regulatory requirements. No more wasting your time and effort looking for problems hidden in piles of paper. Choose NEO EBR to ensure the efficiency and security of your data, especially when on an important audit.

Ensure quality and reduce problems in the operation.

NEO EBR is more than just a digital manufacturing guide. We provide step-by-step guidance to operators throughout the production process, ensuring that everything runs according to the designed guide. This not only avoids variability in processes, but also increases production agility.


Increased productivity and better quality in production.

Reduce human errors associated with documentation processes.

Ensure compliance in processes.

Discover some Neo EBR features:

Resource Logbook

Fully validation

Review and Release

Batch and Material Management

Automatically connects to our production flow digitizing module, NEO FLOW

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